The nervous system
The nervous system is responsible for everything that we do. It sends messages from out brain to every single part of our body. Blinking, breathing, moving our arms or legs, and even digesting food are all controlled by our nervous system. The nervous system consists of our brain, our spinal cord, and our nerves. Our nerves are scattered around our body and they help us feel pain, touch, heat, cold, and pressure. Our nerves recieve messagesa and send them to the brain, which then processes the message and knows what the feeling is. Neural signals are sent very fast, sometimes up to 100 meters per second.
the brain
The brain is divided into many sections that all have different functions. The cerebrum is the largest part of the brain, and encompasses the frontal lobe, the parietal lobe, the temporal lobe, and the occipital lobe. The cerebrum controls higher brain functions. The Frontal lobe controls things such as decisions, language, movement, and personality. The Parietal lobe controls things like intelligence and reasoning, along with reading and sensations. The Occipital lobe controls our vision, while the Temporal lobe controls language, behavior, hearing, vision, emotions, and memory. The cerebellum controls balance, large and small motor skills, and coordination. The brain stem is responsible for our automatic functions like blinking or breathing, that we do instinctively without having to learn.
Central nervous system· Consists of brain and spinal cord
· Brain controls the rest of the body by sending messages using the PNS · Spinal cord is a thick rope of nerves that are protected by vertebrae outside the spinal column · Spinal cord connects brain to rest of body |
peripheral nervous system· Consists of neurons
· Neurons transmit messages sent by the brain · Neural messages travel up to 100 meters per second · Limited ability for self-repair |
types of neurons

There are many types of neurons, all responsible for carrying messages with different purposes. Neurons can be many different sizes, ranging from the length of your arm to only a few millimeters long.
Motor neurons take messages from the central nervous system and carry them wherever they need to go (ex: muscle contractions), while sensory neurons take messages from the outside of your body (i.e. touch, heat, pressure, etc) and bring them to the central nervous system. Interneurons are the neurons that connect different neurons inside the central nervous system.
Motor neurons take messages from the central nervous system and carry them wherever they need to go (ex: muscle contractions), while sensory neurons take messages from the outside of your body (i.e. touch, heat, pressure, etc) and bring them to the central nervous system. Interneurons are the neurons that connect different neurons inside the central nervous system.